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Trauma and PTSD

Trauma involves more than an Event.
Trauma entails an experience that revolves around a mental and physical disruption. Because our brain stores memory according to these disruptions, there is the possibility that one event may be traumatic for one person and not the other. With many clients working through and processing trauma, there is the capacity to remember little to no details about the experience, or in other conditions, remember the event(s) very vividly.
Traumatic events involve short-term and/or long-term effects. When someone suffers through trauma, they may not notice or experience the lasting effects for quite some time. When working with clients, using the EFT model, both emotional processing and the therapeutic bond are key to change. The therapist has the capacity to open doors into underlying emotion and meaning that were somehow cutoff by these experiences. This leaves the client in a place where they can, along with a secure attachment, modify meaning around their fear, avoidance, and/or shame.
The effects of trauma can lead an individual to developing Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, or PTSD. Over time, the symptoms become adaptive, and the client struggles managing or coping effectively. Here are symptoms to track for PTSD:
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
Intrusive Memories
Recurrent, unwanted memories
Dreams or Nightmares of Event(s)
Emotional Distress or physical reaction to reminder of event(s)
Negative changes in thinking or mood
Negative thoughts about others, yourself or the world.
Forgetting, issues with memory.
Detachment in relationships
Lack of interest in normal activities
Emotional numbness
Avoiding addressing the topic of, or thinking about, the event(s)
Avoiding places, activities or people that remind you of the event(s)
Changes in physical and emotional reactions
Easily startled or frightened
Being on guard, thinking your in danger
Self-destructive behaviors
Trouble sleeping
Trouble concentrating
Irritability, anger and aggression
Overwhelming guilt and/or shame
* Symptoms can vary in intensity over time.
* Symptoms might show within one month, following a traumatic event, but they could even show within months or a year.
* Address immediate concerns with your doctor or mental health provider. We can assess for criteria and treatment for PTSD symptoms together.
If you're thinking about harming yourself or someone else, please seek help immediately.
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